What a hair transplant involves ?

HAIR TRANSPLANT: What are Hair Transplantation Methods,Hair transplant cost

Hair loss problem can be seen in both men and women for various reasons. When hair loss becomes permanent, it affects the person very negatively in terms of appearance, and it can even lead to serious psychological conditions, starting from a lack of self-confidence to severe depression. The success of the procedures and hair transplantation techniques, which nowadays easily solve the problem of permanent hair loss, can help recreate the image of the person.

A hair transplant is usually carried out under local anaesthetic and sedation, which means you'll be awake but will not feel any pain.

Hair transplants usually take a day, but you should not need to stay overnight.

If a large area is being treated, you may need to have 2 or more sessions on different days.


    A thin strip of skin with hair is removed from the back of your head and divided into pieces, each containing 1 to 4 hairs (hair grafts). The grafts are placed into tiny cuts made in the scalp. The site where the hairs are taken is closed with stitches. You'll have a scar on the back of your head, but it should not be visible unless you have very short hair. The head does not need to be shaved – only the area where the skin is removed is trimmed.
    (FUE) Follicular unit extraction The back of the head is shaved.Individual hairs are removed 1 by 1 (grafts). The grafts are placed into tiny cuts made in the scalp. You'll have lots of tiny scars, but they will not be very noticeable.
  • What is the SAPPHIRE FUE Method?
    With the SAPPHIRE FUE technique, patients gain a more natural and intense appearance. With this technique, hair follicles are taken from the donor area and transferred to the desired area with micro needles. Planting the roots in the same direction of hair growth is the most important feature of the SAPPHIRE FUE technique.


  • Fue hair transplantation includes many advantages and innovations compared to the old methods. First of all, since no cuts are made on the scalp of the person, it offers a more comfortable process before and after hair transplantation. In addition, tissue healing takes place much faster and the risk of complications is minimized, and the person can return to his daily life in a much shorter time. Since no stitches are applied to the hair transplant area, the problem of scarring after the procedure is also eliminated.
  • Since the healthy hair follicles to be transplanted during the procedure are collected one by one from the donor area and transplanted one by one to the recipient area in the same way, there is no serious bleeding and no scarring in the areas where the procedure is performed.
  • The procedure can be performed under sedation hence it is the best option for those who want to have a faster hair transplantation without pain. The procedure is performed with local anesthesia and ends in a single session lasting 6-7 hours.
  • Thanks to the FUE method, not only the scalp but also alternative donor areas such as the beard and chest area can be used.
  • Due to more frequent and zonary transplantation, better results are obtained in the FUE method. The risk of shedding after hair transplantation is also eliminated. Because in the FUE method, healthy hair follicles-transplants are extracted from non-shedding areas, such as the top of the ear or the nape.


In the DHI method, the hair follicles taken from the donor area with the follicular extraction unit are placed in the Choi pen with the help of a special forceps and made ready for transfer.

Micro incisions are made in the needed area and holes are opened and roots are placed in these holes. In the DHI method, these two steps are done simultaneously.

The follicles are transferred while the tip of the Choi pen makes the micro-incisions.

The difference of DHI method from other methods is that drilling and root transplantation are done at the same time, while in other methods, hair follicles are not transferred directly to the needed area.

Generally, 4000 grafts are transferred in a single session in the DHI method.

Additional sessions are performed if more grafts are required.

The biggest advantage of DHI is that there is no need to shave the hair.

Hair follicles are taken between the hairs by Follicular Unit Extraction method and transferred to the needed area without cutting the hair.

People are attracted because of this advantage. People can return to their routine life faster.


How long do eyebrow transplants last?

Eyebrow Transplant: What It Is, Surgery, Recovery & Results This is a permanent procedure that can last a lifetime. Surgeon will move hair follicles from your scalp to your eyebrows.

The recovery time is fairly quick, but it can take several months before you see results from an eyebrow transplant.


Experience natural and permanent results with beard and mustache implants. Beard and mustache transplantation is basically very similar to hair transplantation. With this process, the empty spaces in the beard are naturally filled.

On the other hand, a mustache transplant should be a more delicate and sophisticated procedure since it is carried on the facial area. Therefore, careful work must be done to avoid unfavorable results.

The operation is performed under local anesthesia and painless. The estimated time for the operation is 6-8 hours. The next day of the operation is the rest day and the first wash is done one day later.

Do beard transplants last forever?

Your results last a lifetime. You will see substantial new beard growth in the transplanted area within several months.


Hair transplantation gives successful results as long as there is sufficient donor source in women with permanent hair loss problem.

Hair transplantation stands out as one of the most preferred treatments for women experiencing localized or male pattern hair loss.

The basic principles are the same as for transplants for men.

Women do not need to completely shave their hair before the hair transplant procedure. A small window is created behind the head, which will serve as a harvesting surface; only this area is shaved. Since the existing hair will cover the small shaved area, nothing will be noticed after the procedure.

If the procedure involves placing grafts into the existing hair strands, transplantation is performed with the DHI technique